Saturday, July 12, 2014

Amor Vincit Omnia - part 2

How many couples get ready to move but instead of finding themselves unpacking in their lovely new home end up in the divorce courts instead ???
Oh my goodness....the stress, the tension, the frayed nerves, the just not understanding each sucks....we don't really look like the photo right now.
We move out on Tuesday, drive through France to get there, camp in our unfurnished house for 5 days,  wait for the lorry to arrive on the 23rd, unpack and then I'm back at work on the 2 more weeks of stress, tension, frayed nerves, not understanding each other...I hope amor really does vincit omnia ( or whichever way round it goes...there will be another post one day about why we say it the way we do. ..)


  1. 3rd most stressful life event after death of a loved one and divorce...hang on in there

    1. I'm hanging...just hope I (we) don't lose my (our) grip ;)

  2. Hopefully things will work out smoothly. I look forward to reading. For some reasons your posts hadn't been showing on my bloglovin feed so I guess I have a lot to catch up on!

    1. Holly, your bloglovinfeed is working just fine...I hadn't blogged since October ....back in my blogging saddle now though (helped by being able to post from the phone ,)

  3. I'll be thinking about you both during this stressful time. Moving (like aging) is not for sissies! Entrepreneur and I have moved 9 times, built two fences and two houses together. It's a miracle we're not divorced. Stay strong and focus on the positive. It's all going to be okay. And remember….blessed are the flexible for they shall never get bent out of shape! Okay, I know JC didn't include that one, but it's still true! :-)
